
Wednesday 1 February 2012

I think we can stretch to a dog.

I've got a bit behind with website. There's some artists' bios I haven't quite finished, which I'll try to complete this month. I've got some reviews of 23ID's marvelous 'Kung Flu' album.....ditto. Also another dj set to upload.But, as it's the first of the month, I thought I shouldn't delay in telling you about this month's Eclectic Music For Mind And Bodhi on Dandelion Radio.

First of all, for a laugh check out this Four Lions Hilarious Dubstep rmx video on youtube.

As usual, I play a lot of free music. Please support free netlabels using the creative commons license. 'Free' isn't just about no payment, it's a question of our freedom.

Proboscis by Bunfly is a compelling and evocative treatment of Rachel Bond reading her poem. There's a 9 minute edit here, which I play on the show. The full version is 45 minutes here. The short version came from an excellent ambient collection 'Classwar Karaoke Survey 016'. That's a free net label with many more downloads here.**********[77] has a 4 track electro-dub ep '[tv2]' at Polish. Try it here. I think it's a bit special. Not fancy, but spacious and pretty and patient. Lovely late night pipe music.**********French singles netlabel Beko has had 100 releases. There are a few excellent compilations available at the website here.**********More dub and bass music, and another Polish release you've got to hear is 'Dub Is An Experiment With Drum And Bass', a 5th anniversary compilation from Ninjahlab here.**********Glorious metal from All The Empires Of The World with the album 'Return' here. That's from Records On Ribs.**********BuzzRo 2011 is a collection of electronica from Romanian netlabel Local Records here.**********Ergo Phizmiz's netlabel Chinstrap continues to satisfy. I recommend the 'Chinstrap Christmas Party' here.

I want to mention Icecapades records from Manchester, who are the UK distribution for Pregnant's new album 'Life Hard-I Try. It's not a freebie, this one, but well worth a few quid from bandcamp here, and while you're there check out their earlier release from Irma Vep.

Don't leave your Dad in the rain.