After having such fun filling in on Radio 4A earlier this month, I decided it was time to revive 'EMFMAB'. I've missed sharing all the great new music that I find.
I will be broadcasting a 2 hour show Monthly, on the last Thursday of the month, 8-10pm, LIVE on Radio 4A . If you live in Brighton/Hove in the UK, you can listen on regular radio at 101.4 FM.
This show will not be available to download. Be there...or don't.
During the show you can email me at emfab at wombnet dot com.
I am aiming to do a blog post the day before the show with a playlist and other details.
There will also be a mailout at that time, and a reminder 1 hour before the broadcast.
If you want to be on that mail list, just email me "subscribe".
The first show will be on April 30th...that's this 8pm.
Please tune in. It would be great if you could email me to let me know that you are listening.
Oh...and tell your friends.