
Saturday, 30 May 2015

One day later....

I wasn't able to get into the studio at the appointed time on Thursday, due to a key mishap, so this month's show went out the following day, on Friday 29th May.

I had fun. Felt 'in the zone'. The studio audience was helpful.
Here is the playlist:

Weedeater - Processional
Modestep - Damien
Guadalupe Plata - Hoy Como Perro
Slam - Ghosts Of Detroit (Slam's Dub Interpretation)
Swen Hutmacher - Thought of Knowledge
Degiheugi - Betty
Housemeister & Tony Planet - Welcome To The Funny Farm
Anna and Elizabeth - Orfeo
MG - Swanning
Panda Dub - Mayd Hubb meets Joe Pilgrim - Tribute to Yabby You
Sarp Yilmaz - King of Skunk
Fred Thomas - Bed Bugs
Tree - The King
Nick Curly - Mangrove
Jenny Hval - That Battle Is Over
Sileni - Empty Time
DJ Hidden - Blind Universe
You Love Her Coz She's Dead - Crystal Deth (feat. Mia Mort)
Tickle - Red River
Prefuse 73 - Applauded Assumptions
Kid606 - Happy Closure
Kid606 - Down At The Bottom
Barrington Levy - Here I Come (acoustic)

A download of the show is available on request, and goes to all subscribers.
To subscribe to my mailing list email me at 'emfab at wombnet dot com'.

Next month.....

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

EMFAB May 2015

This moth's show is brought to you without the letter ' '.

Joi me on Thursday 28th May at Radio 4A for aother helping of ew ad extraordiary music.

There's 3 albums i particular that I wan to brig to your albums of the moth.

Aa & Elizabeth's secod album, titled Aa & Elizabeth, a digital ad CD relaese o Free Dirt Records.
MG by MG. The MG stands for Marti Gore, the fellow behind Depeche Mode. Bit of a's very good! Mute Records. And Jey Hval's secod album 'Apocalypse Girl' o Sacred Boes Records'

Also, a farewell to etlabel Black Later Records, who are callig it a day after 100 releases.

The rest of the playlist might look a bit like this:

Weedeater - Processioal
Modestep - Damie
Guadalupe Plata - Hoy Como Perro
The Phil Mitchell Project - Fightig Polka
Slam - Ghosts Of Detroit (Slam's Dub Iterpretatio)
Swe Hutmacher - Thought of Knowledge
Degiheugi - Betty
Housemeister & Toy Plaet - Welcome To The Fuy Farm
Pada Dub - Mayd Hubb meets Joe Pilgrim
Sarp Yilmaz - Kig of Skuk
Fred Thomas - Bed Bugs
Tree - The Kig
Nick Curly - Magrove
Silei - Empty Time
DJ Hidde - Blid Uiverse
You Love Her Coz She's Dead - Crystal Deth
Prefuse 73 - Applauded Assumptios
Kid606 - Happy Closure
The Phil Mitchell Project - Beale's Polka
Barringto Levy - Here I Come (acoustic version)

Please do liste i live from 8 'till 10 om (UK time). Worldwide on the iterne, ad 101.4 FM i Brighto, UK.
Durig the show you ca email me at emfab at wombnet dot com

I'll publish the actual playlist tomorrow, by which time I hope to have located all the missig ' 's.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Was that fun?

Weeeelllll, yes...I had a laugh. You've got to, really, in the face of snafu.
Technical difficulties meant that I didn't actually get on air until 8.30, so in the end my show was only 90 minutes. Several excellent tunes were missed, including at least 2 by the irrepressable Shitmat. My apologies to him, and to the others who were omitted.

Here is the actual playlist:

Ryan Hardy - Dispearhead
N'to - Time
This Is The Kit - Bashed Out
Gondwana - A Gospel Of Dirt
Space Jesus & Esseks - Mannequin Skywalker
dOOp vs Subp Yao - Can...Not
Nick Tohme - Cojones
Tinlicker - Harvest
DJ Rashad, Machinedrum & Nick Hook - Understand
DJ Rashad - Let It Go
Porter Robinson - Flicker (Fu Mou Remix)
Days N' Daze - Self Destructive Anthem feat. We The Heathens
DJ Sprinkles & Mark Fell - Fresh
Cesaria Evora - Sangue De Belrona
Nora - Feel ME
Lydia Eisenblätter - Agua
Gappy Ranks - We've Got a Good Thing Going (ft. Suga Minot)

(See the post below for links)